Level up your spreadsheet game with AI.

No more spending hours finding the right spreadsheet formula. Transform your text instructions into formulas and more for free in seconds.

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Generate Formulas

Generate formulas for excel and spreadsheet with AnalyticHub.

Explain Formulas

Explain formulas for excel and spreadsheet with AnalyticHub.

Basic Tasks

Get steps for basic tasks in excel and spreadsheets with AnalyticHub.

Generate VBA

Generate or Explain VBA code to automate tasks in Excel.

Generate Regex

Convert your text instructions into regex.

Generate SQL

Convert your text instructions into SQL queries.

Automate and explain complex formulas, generate VBA code, and create SQL queries to streamline your data analysis.

Simplify your workflow with regex code generation, SQL queries, and advanced Excel functionalities.

Enhance your financial modelling and budget forecasting with automated formula generation and in-depth code explanations.

Save time and effort with tools that generate and explain VBA and SQL code, making integration and automation tasks a breeze.


” An amazing product that increased my productivity by 300% . Lots of love to AnalyticHub team. “

Sara Johnson


“If it was one tool that will change your job and life , this is it . “

Noah Welsh


“I started using this tool and my life has never been the same . This tool works like magic”

Miley Johenson